Lodging Specials
Check Back for Upcoming Specials and Group Events
Throughout the year, Bearskin offers special events in cooperation with the Grand Marais Art Colony, the American Birkebeiner Foundation, the Loppet Foundation, and many naturalist groups. Bearskin also occasionally offers our own special events, such as Trail Trimming Weekend or Moose Weekend. Announcements about upcoming events can be found here, as well as on our Bearskin Facebook page.

Value season — the lowest prices of the year
“Value Season” is offered during the quieter times of year, during the seasons when fewer visitors come to the Gunflint Trail and Grand Marais area. Usually spring Value Season runs from early to mid-May and fall Value Season starts in mid-October through the early days of December. (Bearskin has been closing during April and November in recent times, to deep-clean cabins and give our staff vacation time.) During Value Season, you can stay at beautiful Bearskin longer, for less. Check our rate charts for each cabin price, or give us a call to get the details.
Newsletter Specials
Join our e-mail newsletter list to receive special offers available only to Bearskin Newsletter subscribers. The newsletter arrives in your e-mail box about once a month and contains updated Bearskin news as well as discounted Bearskin prices and last minute deals.
State and county taxes, as well as tips or gratuities, are not included in any package prices. Taxes in Minnesota vary, depending on the product or service.
Call our front desk to get precise tax figures for your package purchase or special offer.